August 19, 2014

Surviving Weeks in Real Working Life

i remember i printed out my entry Jump and pass it to Allysa before i went to Outward Bound School.


at the end of Day 7 in OBS, i actually get the chance to talk to the course directors and they asked me for feedback. i told them it wasnt really challenging for us.


i didnt tell them the reason why i dont feel the challenge; and i told them that i might need to take up the 25 days course.

but honestly, 2 years of being in the water sports company and almost 2 years of being in the training company, a total of 4 years is so much more than a week in OBS; which people claimed that the activities is so harsh that you will cry your heart out.





that i prefer to stay there much longer and i feel dreadful that i had to start working on the next day.

there is a story about India that Nutella told me and the Equipment Manager, during dinner on the Day 7 when we reached Puchong. harsh story that had my heart broken.

the next day (Aug 11, Monday) my DS told me and the Equipment Manager that we can take the day off if we thought that we need it. but there are many things to catch up; that i worked from 8.30 am to 9.00 pm (which i no longer practice since the water sports company goes down in 2011) and i told her i might want to take leave on Aug 18 as i knew that i am really needed on that particular week.

Aug 12 (Tuesday) i continued to settle my work and depart to Senai, Johor in the afternoon; as i need to conduct a training there on Aug 13 & 14, together with Nutella & Morgana.

all went well on Aug 13 (Wednesday) but on Aug 14 (Thursday).. sigh~  Nutella is needed at Batu Caves, Selangor on Aug 15 but she kinda refused to go with the excuse that it will be very tiring because we will only reach Puchong, Selangor that night and this really put me in hot soup.

Aug 15 (Friday) i decided to have Nutella to go together with Morgana to Batu Caves and i attended a meeting from 9.30am to 12noon and continued with my task and attend another meeting at 5 pm and continued with my task afterwards until 8 pm.

Aug 16 & 17 (Saturday & Sunday) i am needed at our training centre for a first aid course but luckily i do not need to do anything so i can continue with my task which are continuously piling. India is actually good at conducting the 2 days basic first aid course.

i planned to take leave on Aug 18 (yesterday), right? wrong. i am now at Cherating, Pahang to conduct an advanced first aid course here from Aug 18 to 21 (Monday - Thursday); which i departed from our training centre right after the course is done.

Aug 22 (Friday) i am to attend a meeting for our company trip; and i might be needed for a meeting with a client; and i will need to train my team for the upcoming COSH 2014.

Aug 23 (Saturday) is another training day for my team for the upcoming COSH 2014.

Aug 24 (Sunday) we are going to set up our stuff in KLCC Convention Centre for COSH 2014.

Aug 25 - 27 (Monday - Wednesday) COSH 2014 which will be a very meaningful and big thing for us.

Aug 28 & 29 (Thursday & Friday) i am needed to conduct a team building course at the water sports company.

Aug 30 (Saturday) i hope that there will not be any activity on this day; so that i can rest for a whole 3 days from this day to Monday Sept 1 which is a public holiday.

dear career, please have mercy.

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