October 02, 2014

Cant Wait for Tomorrow

i know. someone told me. you didnt tell me anything so i am now pretending that i dont know. i tested you to give you a chance to tell me the truth but you decided to not take that chance. i am giving you one last chance today as it will be too late tomorrow. for tomorrow the truth will be revealed; and that truth will biyatch slap you in your face.

you knew that i will hate you when the truth is revealed tomorrow.

and yet you choose be hated by not telling me the truth earlier.


Friday Sept 26th, there was a fight in a group chat between Seth & India. Seth told me that India was being unreasonable and asked me to monitor India the next day.

Saturday Sept 27th, India told me that it is very hard for her to deal with Seth. i told India that i will hold a meeting on Friday Oct 3rd for the 3 of us to solve this problem.

Monday Sept 29th, i told Seth that i will hold the meeting on Friday. Seth told me to tell India that she need to prepare some document for the meeting.

Wednesday Oct 1st, Allysa told me that India confessed to Miako, Nutella & Morgana that she - in fact - WAS being unreasonable. she said: "i am worried that Takashi wanted to see both me & Seth regarding what happened". when asked why didnt she tell me the truth, she said something like: "i dont want to. i will make things look like i am guilty. Takashi wouldnt trust me after this."

i had my blood boiling and immediately but calmly asked India to prepare the document and be prepared for the meeting on Friday.

Thursday Oct 2nd just now, Seth asked me what time will the meeting be. i said that it will be at 9.30am. i sent out an email to both of them regarding the meeting.

Friday Oct 3rd, to be continued...

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