February 04, 2015

What Was I? 4

it is when i was in Japan that i realized that my hair is really long.

and it is not black. it is brownish; and in some photos it is dirty-greenish.

i know.

i need to work on my vocab.


not black; with some traces of grey hair.

i am OLD!!!!!!


when i counted, i was back in early 2013 since i chopped off my hair really short.

i found something in 2011 and got lost...

and found something new in 2013...

and yeah... it is now February 2015...

i do feel like i have lost myself one more time.

目標や夢 :  どこまで守れるだろうか?

i was destined to get myself lost in every 2 years i guess.


the series 3, 2, 1

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