November 18, 2011

you no scare ah? ~ way before that ~ Part 4

banyak pulak membebel pasal bende lain. sampai aku lupa sambung citer sambung citer dari sini.


i gained 4kg when i was in wallpaper kampeni. meeting baru-baru ni pun Super-Boss ada acah-acah aku nak suh pegi wallpaper kampeni. aku geleng kepala dengan bersungguh-sungguh. SB tanya aku "why not? wallpaper is doing good now mah~"

aku geleng-geleng lagi, dengan lebih bersungguh-sungguh.

Part 4: The Best Birthday Present

"ey, gun. no need to update here. we are moving to another site. di da di da already approve bla bla bla" kata Boss.

i remember i had a very big smile on my face. i had never smile that way since we are having some problem on the second quarter of this year. it was middle third quarter of this year, end of July 2011. we found another place which we can buat apa yang telah kami buat sebelum ni. dan kami segera pergi melawat tempat berkenaan. kami sangat suka tempat berkenaan.

bukan. bukan setakat suka tempat berkenaan. aku juga sangat suka untuk restart apa yang telah tergendala.

within end of July also was my birthday. the day after my birthday, my colleagues and i went for a boat ride with our SB. i never have felt so happy. my family dont really celebrate birthdays by the way. so kalau ada anyone's birthday in our family... *bunyi cengkerik*

hahah! the celebration is there but it was just like an eating out kind of thing. no singing happy birthday, no cakes, nothing. so aku pun tade perasaan terhadap birthdays. sorry.

but going for the first time speed boating and knowing that we are going to restart was the best thing i had.

then aku ditugaskan untuk kumpul kan ahli group untuk gathering, water sports briefing makan-makan et cetera yang akan di ada kan pada 1st August. da lama tak touch RXT. about 2 months or so. bila dapat ride RXT on that day, i felt superb. tak tau la apa words yang seswai nak express this feeling.

what goes around comes around.

what goes up must come down.

satu lagi dugaan. pergh mencabar giler kami menempuhi bulan August, September dan October 2011.

pengalaman yang sangat berharga. sekarang da November 2011. habes setahun aku dalam group ini. Boss aku yang banyak mengajar aku berdikari sekarang telah pun official tinggalkan water sports kampeni. tapi dia tak pergi jauh. dia cuma naik lebih tinggi dalam group kami. lebih seswai untuk dia. congratulations!


apa cerita pada November 2011 dan hari-hari seterusnye?

yesterday is history. tomorrow is a mystery. today is a gift, that is why they call it the present.

so... on November 2012 saya akan summarize kan apa yang da berlaku ye. tapi tak janji. maybe yes. maybe yes but not on Nov 2012. maybe never.

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