November 14, 2011

you no scare ah? ~ way before that ~ Part 3

D#1: ey, gun. usually the lunch hour is what time ah?

aku: (@.@) lunch hour ah? errr... i dont think there is exact time but it is within 1 hour la. i usually go 12.30 and go back before 1.30 la.

D#1: then must it be between 12-2pm like that?

aku: emm.. no leh. if you go late also can. i think so la. as long as you go out within 1 hour. if you go out for lunch at 3pm then you come back before 4pm lo.

korang nye lunch hour pukul bape? ada masa yang di tetap kan tak? aku rasa-rasa dalam 1 tahun aku keje sini, kitorang cam tade fixed lunch hour je. cam sesuka hati je blah. yang penting balik dalam masa 1 jam. banyak bebel plak dah.


occay~ sambung citer dari sini.

Part 3: The Ups and Very The Downs

lepas EB#1 aku blah dari hidup aku.. eceh.. aku dikurniakan dengan Boss aku. Boss aku... dia... suka suruh aku face everything myself. kalau betul-betul aku tabole buat, only he will help.

yes, he said "unless you try to do something beyond what you've already mastered, you will never GROW."

dia la sebenarnye faktor aku lebih independent.

within the first quarter of this year kami menjadi terlalu popular. betul aku tak tipu. kadang-kadang aku tade masa nak makan. lunch hour? lunch hour aku tak tetap. kalau aku ada masa, aku akan keluar lunch. kalau betul2 tade masa, aku mintak tolong kak mas ta bao kan nasik. kadang-kadang kak mas da ta bao kan aku nasik pun aku stil tade masa nak makan.

sampai la aku kena bebel dengan Boss aku "ey gun, it is your ta bao at the pantry right? you better go eat first leh. later you pengsan how?"

thanks for your concern. hey, banyak bende yang dia bebel kat aku ialah bende yang boleh digunakan untuk face the life you know. dont underestimate him oh.

so aku tetapkan lunch hour untuk diri seniri. 12.30pm - 1.30pm. kalau betul-betul tak sempat, kul 4 la aku blah pegi ta bao pisang goreng.

i lost 9kg. aku pun tak sangka.

terima kaseh kepada Groupon kerana tak semena-mena mempopularkan kami. i love you. oleh kerana kami terlalu 'popular', the second and third quarter of 2011 something happened to us. kami kan... haish~ panjang citer nye (takmo ingat. nanti sedih).

kerana kejadian itu, kami staff dari water sports kampeni telah di transfer kan sementara pegi wallpaper kampeni. di sana aku buat sales, online marketing and social network development.

aku dengar citer, boss untuk wallpaper (Wallpaper Boss aka WB) kampeni yang buat facebook untuk water sports kampeni sebelum aku join group ini. then aku pulak yang dari water sports kampeni buat facebook untuk wallpaper kampeni. ironi kan?

sigh... WB pernah tanya aku "gun, among these wallpapers, which one do you like the most?"

aku "i dont like any."

WB *gulp* "they are not nice ah?"

aku "they are nice. but even if you give me free and install for me free also i dont want."

korang pernah ada perasaan camni tak? its nice but i dont want it. cam Nicole Scherzinger. she is dem nice and i like her so much but if she offers herself to me, i wouldnt accept her. tapi kalau Adam Lambert aku mau la. heheh~

maka pada satu hari, WB telah meng-organize satu meeting. aku rasa meeting tu banyak kena batang idung aku. WB cakap something like "why was gun so good at making sales at water sports kampeni? it is because she loves water sports. gun, last time you said that none of these wallpapers you like. you got to learn to love these wallpapers. so that you can make yourself a very good wallpaper salesperson."

"when you love something, you can talk good about that thing and people will have influence to have the good thing that you were talking about."

aku angguk-angguk je.

then dia amek sehelai kertas. di atas kertas itu tertera


ya. di atas ialah laptop wallpaper aku. sigh~ aku tak ingat apa dia cakap pasal di atas. tapi dia ada mention "gun, this is your laptop wallpaper right? everyday you see this. bla bla bla..."

aku tried to improve myself to be a better person in wallpaper kampeni. tapi aku tabole. 


saying that 'i cant' is not the exact word. 

i did close some sales. but that was out of memaksa diri. yes i can and yes, exactly - I DONT WANT!

sampai aku ter-nangis di hadapan Boss; mengenangkan ke-tidak-mahu-an ini. 


dah! pegi buat keje.

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