April 20, 2013

History ~ 2

last year; yes i did write stories for others.

2 days before; i was asked to write my own.

on my way to write, right after i clicked Microsoft Words;

i stared at the blank page

and my mind went like

"where do i begin?"

i suddenly came to remember all that have happened.


it made my feel a little down;

even though i have been telling people that i feel better this year.

to some people, i have always been strong.

they didnt even notice how many cuts i have taken;

neither did they know how deep and painful those cuts were;

that they leave scars criss-crossing all over my heart.

that particular part of my heart cant be fixed.

i dont want to remember.


but lucky that now, some of them really care;

and really have my back;

as long as i dont give them too much trouble.

be good, Gun.

be good.

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